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Westfield Sei Induction Kit inc Airbox

Hockenheim 422F airbox fitted with 45 degree intake snorkel & ducted from a Daytona 230A remote filter.

Hockenheim 422F airbox fitted with 45 degree intake snorkel & ducted from a Daytona 230A remote filter.

Nose view showing pertruding Hockenheim airbox & Mondello intake scoop. The bonnet was cut to allow maximum airbox volume .

Nose view showing pertruding Hockenheim airbox & Mondello intake scoop. The bonnet was cut to allow maximum airbox volume .

Daytona 230A kit with 75mm 90 degree intake snorkel bonded on to alloy stepped adaptor, for ducting of air from Mondello intake scoop.

Daytona 230A kit with 75mm 90 degree intake snorkel bonded on to alloy stepped adaptor, for ducting of air from Mondello intake scoop.

Fitted flat back-plate with airbox lid removed.

Fitted flat back-plate with airbox lid removed.

Front view of nose showing Mondello intake scoop on top & pertruding Hockenheim airbox on the side

Front view of nose showing Mondello intake scoop on top & pertruding Hockenheim airbox on the side

Images courtesy of Ron Wildbore of Australia.

+44(0)1206 86 81 44
+44 (0)1206 86 66 63
+44(0)2081 235997 / reverie_composites



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